

9. Understanding the file formats

Introduction & Rules

Understanding the file formats is not required to use CellexalVR. But should you want to tinker with your input files (make a backup first), their formats are described here. Most files are just plain text files with special file extensions.

The following rules apply to all plain text files:

  • All entries are seperated by whitespace, thus things such as cell names or surface marker names can not include spaces.
  • Whitespace can be either spaces or tabs.
  • Entries may be seperated with more than one whitespace.
  • No empty entries are allowed, as that would make it ambiguous whether it's an empty entry, or just multiple whitespace seperating two entries.
  • Decimal signs in numbers should be a period (.) and not a comma (,).
  • Colors are encoded with 24 bit or 32 bit hexadecimal RGBA strings with the alpha value being optional, starting with a '#'. For example red should be written: "#FF0000". Omitting the alpha value sets it to 255 (FF).
  • Line endings can be either windows or unix standard.
  • Nothing in the input files is case sensitive. Case sensitivity should never be the difference between two names.