CellexalVR  1.1.0
A virtual reality platform for the exploration and analysis of single-cell gene expression data
CellexalVR.Filters Namespace Reference


class  AttributeFilterButton
 Class represents the button on the side of the attribute legend to add or remove an attribute to the culling filter. More...
class  CullingFilterManager
 Class represents the filter that is attached to the culling cube. It works similar to the regular filter but does not add the filter to the selection tool. Instead it activates it on the culling cube. This is mainly useful for more simple filters. For more complex filters use the filter creator. More...
class  Filter
 Represents a filter that can be used with the selection tool to only select some cells that fulfill some criteria. More...
class  FilterCreatorAndBlock
 Represents an and block when creating a filter in VR. Contains two input ports and one output port. More...
class  FilterCreatorAttributeBlock
 Represents an attribute block when creating a filter in VR. Contains a name field, yes/no field and one output port. More...
class  FilterCreatorBlock
 Abstract class that all filter creator blocks derive from. Filter creator blocks have children which are blocks whose outputs are connected to their parents' inputs. This creates a tree structure that ultimately defines a boolean expression. More...
class  FilterCreatorBlockHighlighter
 Represents a zone on a FilterCreatorBlock that can be highlighted. Highlighting is done by offsetting the texture to a part that has a zone highlighted is shown. More...
class  FilterCreatorBlockPort
 Represents a input or ouput port on a FilterCreatorBlock. Two ports can be connected to connect an output to an input on two different FilterCreatorBlock. More...
class  FilterCreatorDeleteArea
class  FilterCreatorFacsBlock
 Represents a facs block when creating a filter in VR. Contains a name field, operator field, a value field and an output port. More...
class  FilterCreatorGeneBlock
 The gene block that is used when creating a filter in VR. Contains a gene name field, operator field, value field and an ouput port. More...
class  FilterCreatorNotBlock
 Represents a not block when creating a filter in VR. Contains one input ports and one output port. More...
class  FilterCreatorOrBlock
 Represents an or block when creating a filter in VR. Contains two input ports and one output port. More...
class  FilterCreatorResultBlock
 The result block of the filter creator in VR. All blocks must connect through and/or/not/xor blocks and end up in one connection ton this block. Has one input. More...
class  FilterCreatorSaveArea
class  FilterCreatorXorBlock
 Represents an exclusive or (xor) block when creating a filter in VR. Contains two input ports and one output port. More...
class  FilterManager
 Manages our current filter and the filter creator. More...