CellexalVR  1.1.0
A virtual reality platform for the exploration and analysis of single-cell gene expression data
CellexalVR.General.Config Class Reference

Represents the configurable options in the settings menu. More...

Public Member Functions

 Config (Config c)


string ConfigDir [get, set]
string RscriptexePath [get, set]
string ScarfscriptPath [get, set]
bool RequireTouchpadClickToInteract [get, set]
string ControllerModel [get, set]
int GraphLoadingCellsPerFrameStartCount [get, set]
int GraphLoadingCellsPerFrameIncrement [get, set]
int GraphClustersPerFrameStartCount [get, set]
int GraphClustersPerFrameIncrement [get, set]
float GraphGrabbableCollidersExtensionThresehold [get, set]
Color[] SelectionToolColors [get, set]
Color GraphDefaultColor [get, set]
Color GraphZeroExpressionColor [get, set]
int GraphNumberOfExpressionColors [get, set]
Color GraphLowExpressionColor [get, set]
Color GraphMidExpressionColor [get, set]
Color GraphHighExpressionColor [get, set]
bool GraphMostExpressedMarker [get, set]
Color[] AttributeColors [get, set]
int NumberOfHeatmapColors [get, set]
Color HeatmapLowExpressionColor [get, set]
Color HeatmapMidExpressionColor [get, set]
Color HeatmapHighExpressionColor [get, set]
string HeatmapAlgorithm [get, set]
string NetworkAlgorithm [get, set]
int HeatmapNumberOfGenes [get, set]
int NetworkLineColoringMethod [get, set]
Color NetworkLineColorPositiveHigh [get, set]
Color NetworkLineColorPositiveLow [get, set]
Color NetworkLineColorNegativeLow [get, set]
Color NetworkLineColorNegativeHigh [get, set]
int NumberOfNetworkLineColors [get, set]
float NetworkLineWidth [get, set]
Color VelocityParticlesLowColor [get, set]
Color VelocityParticlesHighColor [get, set]
int ConsoleMaxBufferLines [get, set]
bool ShowNotifications [get, set]
string GraphPointQuality [get, set]
string GraphPointSize [get, set]
Color SkyboxTintColor [get, set]

Detailed Description

Represents the configurable options in the settings menu.

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