

9. Understanding the file formats


The graphs have the file extension .mds and have the following format:

cell_id dim_1 dim_2 dim3
cell_1 x y z
cell_2 x y z

Where the first line is a header with each dimension's name. Each x, y and z is some real number. Each cell's position in the graph is represented with an x, y and z-coordinate. These coordinates are scaled so the graph fits exactly inside a 1x1x1 meter cube, without changing the graph's proportions. A graph may include any number of cells, and cell names should be unique. Cell names may not include spaces. If your data contains RNA velocity information, this is included in the .mds file using the following file format:

cell_id dim_1 dim_2 dim_3 velo_1 velo_2 velo_3
cell_1 x y z x y z
cell_2 x y z x y z

Where each x, y and z in the dim_1, dim_2 and dim_3 columns is the same as above, and each x, y and z in the velo_1, velo_2 and velo_3 columns is the end point of each velocity vector, in the same coordinate system.