A guide to using cellexalvrR - Quick Start

Stefan Lang & Shamit Soneji



This document describes how to use cellexalvrR, an R package that accompanies CellexalVR which is a virtual reality environment to analyze single-cell RNAseq data. cellexalvrR has two functions:

  1. To aid the formatting and export of data that can be imported by CellexalVR.
  2. To perform backend calculations during a CellexalVR session.

This document will focus on the first point.


The easiest way to install cellexalvrR is directly from github using the devtools package:


If you are installing this on your VR workstation then make sure you install cellexalvrR system-wide. Right-click the R icon, and then “Run as administrator” before issuing the commands above. Also make sure that you also have the Rtools installed on your Windows machine which provides C and C++ compilers. The VR log system will in addition need pandoc.

Quick start

For this quick start we are relying mostly on published example data from other packages. Several of these example data sets have only 2D dimension reduction data and therfore we provide slightly changed files (+3D drcs) on our own web page.

For the sake of this vignette we set the OutPath to the CellexalVR Data path so that these example dataset become available in your VR session and the InPath to the folder we downloaded the example data to (if necessary).

## Tell R where your CellexalVR "Data"" folder is.
## The folder should be in the path where you unpacked CellexalVR.
## This one is mine: 
OutPath = "i:/CellexalVR/CellexalVR_0.14.0_build/Data/"
## I have downloaded the data files into the R tempPath
InPath = tempdir()

Exporting files from a Seurat object

We have a simple function to convert a Seurat object to a cellexalvrR object prior to export. To demonstrate this we will use the the Seurat pbmc_small example data.


## We will now calculate a UMAP in 3 dimensions whereas the TSNE will be using in 2D 

pbmc_small <- RunUMAP(pbmc_small, dims = 1:10,n.components = 3)
#> 13:04:44 UMAP embedding parameters a = 0.9922 b = 1.112
#> 13:04:44 Read 80 rows and found 10 numeric columns
#> 13:04:44 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 30
#> 13:04:44 Building Annoy index with metric = cosine, n_trees = 50
#> 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
#> [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
#> **************************************************|
#> 13:04:44 Writing NN index file to temp file C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQXLt8D\file2d247d2b651a
#> 13:04:44 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 3000
#> 13:04:44 Annoy recall = 100%
#> 13:04:45 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread
#> 13:04:45 7 smooth knn distance failures
#> 13:04:46 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise
#> 13:04:46 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 2410 positive edges
#> 13:04:47 Optimization finished
#>    UMAP_1    UMAP_2    UMAP_3 
#> -1.912597 -1.099849  1.826431

## Now we convert the object to a cellexalvr object using 
## the cell identity and cluster as metadata for the cells (and any others you wish):

cvr <- as_cellexalvrR(pbmc_small,c("orig.ident","groups"), specie="human" )
#> An object of class cellexalvrR 
#> with 230 genes and 80  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (230,1): 'Gene Symbol'   
#> Sample annotation (80,3): 'orig.ident@SeuratProject', 'groups@g2', 'groups@g1'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 3 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to NA

## And here we export all data
opath = file.path(OutPath, "PBMC")
export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath)
#> Warning in export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath): path does not exists - creating it now
#> Warning in check(x): meta.gene rownames set to data rownames
#> object passes checks

#> [1] "a.meta.cell"       "c.meta.gene"       "cellexalObj.RData"
#> [4] "database.sqlite"   "pca.mds"           "tsne.mds"         
#> [7] "umap.mds"

## Done!

If you point the OutPath to your CellexalVR Data path you will now have the Seurat pbmc_small data set in your VR environment.

It will then be available for loading when you step into CellexalVR. This applies to all other data sets described here, too.

Using AnnData objects

We will get the 3k PBMC h5ad file from here and unzip. It was created using this Scanpy tutorial where the only change we made was to embed the UMAP into 3 dims using sc.tl.umap(adata,n_components=3) :


cvr <- as_cellexalvrR( file.path( InPath, "pbmc3k.h5ad"), 
  meta.cell.groups = c( "leiden") , embeddingDims = 3, 
  specie = "human", velocity = NULL )
#> reading expression data

#> An object of class cellexalvrR 
#> with 1838 genes and 2638  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1838,14): '_index', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'gene_ids', 'highly_variable', 'mean', 'mean_counts', 'means', 'mt', 'n_cells', 'n_cells_by_counts', 'pct_dropout_by_counts', 'std', 'total_counts'   
#> Sample annotation (2638,8): 'leiden@0', 'leiden@2', 'leiden@1', 'leiden@4', 'leiden@3', 'leiden@5', 'leiden@6', 'leiden@7'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 2 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to human

opath = file.path(OutPath,"PBMC3K")
export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath)
#> Warning in export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath): path does not exists - creating it now
#> object passes checks

#> [1] "a.meta.cell"       "c.meta.gene"       "cellexalObj.RData"
#> [4] "database.sqlite"   "pca.mds"           "umap.mds"

## Done!

Using AnnData objects from an scvelo run

If you have used scvelo to caculate cell velocities then only a couple more options need to be added to the export. In this example we ran this scvelo demo with two extra lines:

sc.tl.umap(adata,n_components=3) # embed to 3 dims
sc.tl.leiden(adata) #get clusters

We can get a zip of the resulting h5ad file from here. The rest is almost the same as above (in R):


cvr <- as_cellexalvrR(file.path( InPath,"pancreas_scvelo.h5ad"),
  c("clusters","leiden"), specie="human",velocity="scvelo", 
#> reading expression data
#> WARNING: drc pca - velocity information not available

## The deltas can be quite small, so in the line above we have 'scaleArrowTravel' 
## which multiples delta by factor specified to increase the path of travel for 
## each cell to make them more visible.

## Now we create the folder and export the CellexalVR files
opath = file.path( OutPath,"Pancreas_scvelo")
export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath)
#> Warning in export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath): path does not exists - creating it now
#> object passes checks

#> [1] "a.meta.cell"       "c.meta.gene"       "cellexalObj.RData"
#> [4] "database.sqlite"   "pca.mds"           "umap.mds"

## Done!

In general, to enable velocity visualisation in CellexalVR one supplies 6-column .mds files, where the last three columns denote the destination x/y/z coordinate for each cell

Exporting scATAC data from a Seurat object

We followed this Seurat example, again embedding to 3 dimensions as shown above. A zip of the RDS file can be obtained here which is a seurat object. Exporting the data:


pbmc.atac <- readRDS(file.path( InPath,"pbmc.atac.rds"))

## convert the object using the gene activity assay
cvr <- as_cellexalvrR(pbmc.atac,c("seurat_clusters"),specie="human",assay="ACTIVITY")
#> An object of class cellexalvrR 
#> with 18969 genes and 7866  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (18969,1): 'Gene Symbol'   
#> Sample annotation (7866,17): 'seurat_clusters@0', 'seurat_clusters@2', 'seurat_clusters@7', 'seurat_clusters@14', 'seurat_clusters@13', 'seurat_clusters@1', 'seurat_clusters@3', 'seurat_clusters@6', 'seurat_clusters@5', 'seurat_clusters@8', 'seurat_clusters@4', 'seurat_clusters@12', 'seurat_clusters@10', 'seurat_clusters@11', 'seurat_clusters@9', 'seurat_clusters@16', 'seurat_clusters@15'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 2 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to NA

## We're ready to export.
opath = file.path(OutPath,"scATAC")
export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath)
#> Warning in export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath): path does not exists - creating it now
#> Warning in check(x): meta.gene rownames set to data rownames
#> object passes checks

#> [1] "a.meta.cell"       "c.meta.gene"       "cellexalObj.RData"
#> [4] "database.sqlite"   "lsi.mds"           "umap.mds"


Making and exporting a cellexalVR object from it’s elements.

If you aren’t using Seurat, Scanpy or Scvelo the following guide will show you how to make a cellexalVR oject from scratch using our in-built functions. The requirments are very simple and examples are shown below.

The data from Nestorowa et al can be downloaded from here. Unpack them and set your working directory to where they are.

First, load the library:


Then load the data:


exdata is a sparse matrix of highly variable genes in log2 form. The first 10 columns and 10 rows look as so:

#> 6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>               HSPC_001 HSPC_002 HSPC_003 HSPC_004 HSPC_006 HSPC_008
#> Clec1b        .        .        .        .        1.039889 1.172368
#> Kdm3a         .        .        .        .        .        8.313856
#> Coro2b        9.475577 .        .        .        1.637906 1.172368
#> 8430408G22Rik .        .        .        .        .        .       
#> Clec9a        .        .        .        .        .        .       
#> Phf6          7.733370 7.271829 9.413041 2.677008 5.832172 7.856124

Note the cell IDs are in the column names, and the gene names are the row names.

#> [1] "dgCMatrix"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "Matrix"

facs is a matrix of cell surface marker intensities captured during index sorting:

#>               CD34      CD16     c.Kit      EPCR      Flk2     CD150
#> HSPC_001 0.6037796 0.4322826 1.3509535 1.5235524 0.3618872 0.3036440
#> HSPC_002 0.3652949 0.5923082 1.1668190 1.5575771 0.3985330 0.1802330
#> HSPC_003 1.1688350 0.3103070 1.2716602 0.1796609 0.2225457 0.2708689
#> HSPC_004 0.7234537 0.5098244 1.2890254 0.1047645 0.7382823 0.1746147
#> HSPC_006 0.7806266 0.2244971 0.8613574 0.1909399 0.7124364 0.4767371
#> HSPC_008 0.8303475 0.5984071 1.2414646 1.4069329 0.4826786 0.2322792

Cell IDs are in the row names, and the name of the surface protein in the columns.

cell.ids is a 1/0 matrix that assigns metadata to the each cell. In this case it shows the cell type each cell was sorted as:

#>          LTHSC_broad LMPP_broad MPP_broad CMP_broad MEP_broad GMP_broad
#> HSPC_001           0          0         1         0         0         0
#> HSPC_002           1          0         0         0         0         0
#> HSPC_003           0          0         1         0         0         0
#> HSPC_004           0          1         0         0         0         0
#> HSPC_006           0          1         0         0         0         0
#> HSPC_008           0          1         0         0         0         0

Cell IDs are in the row names, and the name of the meta data in the columns. A 1 is given if the cell belongs to a metadata class, 0 otherwise.

diff.proj,tsne.proj,and diff.proj are the results from three different dimension reduction methods applied to exdata, specifically DDRTree, tSNE and diffusion map respectively. Each is a three column matrix of x/y/z coordinates. For example:

#>                   DC1          DC2          DC3
#> HSPC_001 -0.014760110 -0.024119177 -0.007998293
#> HSPC_002 -0.010255308 -0.019970919 -0.015754327
#> HSPC_003 -0.003649320  0.027297654  0.014202316
#> HSPC_004 -0.012653205 -0.002990825  0.025813077
#> HSPC_006 -0.005876981  0.021537658  0.035740656
#> HSPC_008 -0.015699148 -0.018777106  0.007916241

The first step is to put all the dimension reduction outputs into a single list:

proj.list <- list(diffusion=diff.proj,DDRtree=ddr.proj,tSNE=tsne.proj)

The next is to make a cellexalvr object by calling MakeCellexaVRObj and passing the required objects to it:

cellvr <- MakeCellexalVRObj(exdata,drc.list=proj.list,specie="mouse",

In the same step we also set the specie as mouse which ensures the correct transcription factor IDs are using during network construction if implemented in CellexalVR.

Calling the object name will detail it’s contents:

#> An object of class cellexalvrR 
#> with 4709 genes and 1654  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1,1): ''   
#> Sample annotation (1654,23): 'LTHSC_broad', 'LMPP_broad', 'MPP_broad', 'CMP_broad', 'MEP_broad', 'GMP_broad', 'MPP1_broad', 'MPP2_broad', 'MPP3_broad', 'STHSC_broad', 'LTHSC', 'LMPP', 'MPP', 'CMP', 'MEP', 'GMP', 'MPP1', 'MPP2', 'MPP3', 'STHSC', 'ESLAM', 'HSC1', 'Projected'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 3 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to mouse

The last step is to call export2cellexalvr which will write the neccessary files from the cellvr object to a specified directory:

opath = file.path(OutPath,"CellexalOut")
export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath)
#> Warning in export2cellexalvr(cvr, opath): path does not exists - creating it now
#> Warning in check(x): meta.gene rownames set to data rownames
#> object passes checks

list.files( opath )
#> [1] "a.meta.cell"       "c.meta.gene"       "cellexalObj.RData"
#> [4] "database.sqlite"   "lsi.mds"           "umap.mds"

## Done!

All the files needed by CellexalVR are created at this point. The entire “CellexalOut/” folder should then be moved/copied to the “Data” folder in your CellexalVR setup. See the manual for more details including a schematic of the folder structure.

Making a cellexalvr object from scratch

While MakeCellexalVRObj is the most convenient way to make the object, sometimes you want to make one manually. This is done calling new:

cell.vr.scr <- new("cellexalvr",data=Matrix::Matrix(exdata,sparse=T),drc=list(tsne=tsne.proj))
#> An object of class cellexalvr 
#> with 4709 genes and 1654  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1,1): ''   
#> Sample annotation (1,1): ''   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 1 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to NA

We can add another set of dimension reduction coordinates using the addMDS2cellexalvr function:

cell.vr.scr <- addDRC2cellexalvr(cell.vr.scr,ddr.proj,"DDRTree")
#> An object of class cellexalvr 
#> with 4709 genes and 1654  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1,1): ''   
#> Sample annotation (1,1): ''   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 2 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to NA

To add metadata for each cell use addCellMeta2cellexalvr:

cell.vr.scr <- addCellMeta2cellexalvr(cell.vr.scr,cell.ids)
#> An object of class cellexalvr 
#> with 4709 genes and 1654  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1,1): ''   
#> Sample annotation (1654,23): 'LTHSC_broad', 'LMPP_broad', 'MPP_broad', 'CMP_broad', 'MEP_broad', 'GMP_broad', 'MPP1_broad', 'MPP2_broad', 'MPP3_broad', 'STHSC_broad', 'LTHSC', 'LMPP', 'MPP', 'CMP', 'MEP', 'GMP', 'MPP1', 'MPP2', 'MPP3', 'STHSC', 'ESLAM', 'HSC1', 'Projected'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 2 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to NA

To add FACS for each cell use addFACS2cellexalvr:

cell.vr.scr <- addFACS2cellexalvr(cell.vr.scr,facs)

Setting the specie is done using the set.specie function:

cell.vr.scr <- set.specie(cell.vr.scr,"mouse")
#> An object of class cellexalvr 
#> with 4709 genes and 1654  cells. 
#> Annotation datasets (1,1): ''   
#> Sample annotation (1654,23): 'LTHSC_broad', 'LMPP_broad', 'MPP_broad', 'CMP_broad', 'MEP_broad', 'GMP_broad', 'MPP1_broad', 'MPP2_broad', 'MPP3_broad', 'STHSC_broad', 'LTHSC', 'LMPP', 'MPP', 'CMP', 'MEP', 'GMP', 'MPP1', 'MPP2', 'MPP3', 'STHSC', 'ESLAM', 'HSC1', 'Projected'   
#> There are 0 user group(s) stored :
#> and 2 drc object(s)
#> Specie is set to mouse

Making cell metadata from a data frame

CellexalVR requires metadata in the form of a 1/0 matrix, but many packages store it as a data frame. CellexalvrR has function to convert a data frame into a 1/0 matrix. First, lets make a data frame:

meta.df <- data.frame(CellType=sample(c("Type1","Type2","Type3"),10,replace=T),
#>   CellType Phase Treatment
#> 1    Type1   G2M        WT
#> 2    Type3     S       Dox
#> 3    Type2   G2M       Dox
#> 4    Type1   G2M       Dox
#> 5    Type3    G1        WT
#> 6    Type1   G2M       Dox

We can now make a correctly formatted cell metadata matrix by applying the function make.cell.meta.from.df using only the fields we need, in this case the “CellType” and “Treatment” columns:

required.cell.metad <- make.cell.meta.from.df(meta.df,c("CellType","Treatment"))
#>   CellType@Type1 CellType@Type3 CellType@Type2 Treatment@WT Treatment@Dox
#> 1              1              0              0            1             0
#> 2              0              1              0            0             1
#> 3              0              0              1            0             1
#> 4              1              0              0            0             1
#> 5              0              1              0            1             0
#> 6              1              0              0            0             1

It can be seen the field name is placed in the column heading preceeding a “@”, and this is used by CellexalVR to form catagories on the menu system, so “CellType” and “Treatment” will be on separate tabs. This metadata matrix can now be added to a cellexalvrR object as decribed above using the addCellMeta2cellexalvr function.